The logo of The National Birmingham Roller Club



Policy Title:  National NBRC Championship Fly

Policy Number: NBRC 001

Effective Date: April 11, 2007

Last Revision Date: July 8,2023



  1. The NBRC shall sponsor an annual flying competition, known as the National Championship Fly (NCF) consisting of two separate championship events – an 11 Bird Competition and 20 Bird Competition available to all current members. Membership must be current at the time the kit is flown in the regional competition, as well as the time the competitor’s kit is flown in the Finals for those who qualify. The competition will consist of qualifying competition for each participating region, followed by a Finals competition. Members must notify their Regional Director (RD) of the event or events they wish to enter in order to assist the RD in scheduling fly times to accommodate the judge and to coordinate a smooth itinerary. The official  National NBRC Championship Fly Rules will govern the competition. The rules will be available to be viewed on the NBRC website and will be published in the NBRC Bulletin. Participants are requested to review and familiarize themselves with the rules so as to avoid confusion and controversy during the competition.

2. In the event of a tied score in any NBRC NCF competition, both kits shall be declared winners and shall receive the same ranking and                Master Flier points. If the tie occurs in the qualifying slot in any NBRC NCF regional competition, both kits shall be entitled to be flown              in the NCF finals round and to receive the same regional ranking and Master Flier points.

3. In the event of a tied score for the first-place position in the NCF finals, any financial incentive that is usually awarded to a single                     winner will be awarded to both winners.

4. In order to qualify for the finals or to earn any Master Flier points, a flier (kit) must score at least one break in the 20 Bird Fly and/or 1             point in the 11 Bird Fly. Fliers (kits) with a score of zero, DQ, or DNF are ineligible for Master Flier points or for participation in the                   Finals of the NBRC National Championship competition.

5. The National Fly Director shall, on behalf of the NBRC and within ninety (90) days of the completion of the competition, award a                      suitable plaque or trophy to the following:

a) The National Championship Fly winners in each of the 20-bird kit and 11-bird kit competitions.

b) The Regional Qualifier(s) in each of the 20-bird kit and 11-bird kit competitions.

c) The National Championship Fly Finals Judge.

d) Various and sundry achievements by flyers that are deserving of a special recognition award, as determined by the National Fly                       Director and approved by the NBRC President. In the event that the same flier wins more than one qualifying spot in the finals, the                   flier is entitled to fly both kits in the finals if he so desires. In the alternative, he may choose to defer one of his qualifying spots in the            finals to the flier with the next highest score. Starting in 2025: A member May fly two kits in the NCF regional qualifying but                 can only fly one kit in the NCF finals. If a qualifier holds 2 qualifying positions then the next highest score will be                           awarded to the next qualifying member (that is not a qualifier). Fly rules will be promulgated by the Executive Committee and              published in the NBRC Bulletin prior to the fly and published on a continuous basis on the NBRC website. Any changes to the fly rules                proposed by the Executive Committee must be approved by a majority vote of the previous NBRC National Championship Fly                            participants. Violations of the NBRC Fly Rules will result in the suspension of the flier from the NBRC competition for a period of three                years.  Second offenders will be banned from all future competitions in the NBRC and all accumulated NBRC Master Flier Points will be               revoked.

001.02 Any rules or procedures for managing the NBRC National Championship Fly which is not directly related to the flying and judging of the kits being flown, will be classified as part of the NBRC National Championship Fly Policy. Additions and changes to the NBRC National Championship Fly Policy shall take effect upon approval by a majority vote of the NBRC Executive Committee. The NBRC National Championship Fly Policy shall be published annually prior to the NBRC National Championship Fly in the NBRC Bulletin and shall be published on a continuous basis on the NBRC website. 


001.03 All NBRC National or Regional sponsored competitions must be judged by the most experienced Judge available. The NBRC shall appoint a Club member to judge the finals round of the NCF competition. Judges of the NCF regional rounds need not be Club members. 


001.04 A flyer may enter a maximum of two kits. Any two kits flown in the same competition, either the 11-bird or the 20-bird competition, may be composed of the same birds; however, the birds must land and trap before being re-released. In his discretion, the judge may confirm the composition of the kits by any means he deems appropriate under the circumstances. Judges are cautioned to avoid handling the pigeons entered in competition prior to their being liberated. Competitors that refuse to grant visual access and proximity to the kit boxes by the Regional Director and Judge for the purposes of validating when rollers or kits have landed, will not be scored and the kits will be disqualified.

Effective starting in 2025 A member May fly two kits in the NCF regional qualifying but can only fly one kit in the NCF finals. If a qualifier holds 2 qualifying positions then the next highest score will be awarded to the next qualifying member (that is not a qualifier). NBRC 2024-004 passed 8/21/24

001.04 Last Revision Date: February 3, 2022(a) Participation of Flyers under NBRC Family Memberships.  Each named member of the household that is eligible for a family membership is eligible to participate in the NBRC National Championship Fly competitions the same as any standard club member (per Article III, Membership and Dues, Section I), subject to the following guidelines:(i) Each region must fly a minimum of 50 percent of the kits entered for each qualifier into the NCF finals round. Two DNFs for a single flier may be counted towards the first qualifier only. Only one “DNF” may be applied per family membership, or in any other situation where multiple entries are flown from the same location to earn more than one qualifier. If a region is unable to earn a qualifier as a result of multiple DNFs, the NBRC share of the entry fee (minus any expenses paid by the NBRC for fly pins and score pads for the region) will be refunded to the Regional Director, but only if the final judge’s airline ticket to the region has not yet been purchased by the National Fly Director.(ii) multiple kits entered by the same NBRC member and flown from the same location (Individual Membership or Family Membership Plan) will be allotted a maximum time on the regional schedule to be determined by the Regional Director. such as a total of one hour per kit entered (two hours for two kits flown, three hours for three kits flown, etc.). The allotted time on the schedule for multiple kit entries must be announced by the Regional Director at the time the schedule is released to the region. The Regional Director (or the judge in the absence of the RD) may extend the competitor’s time, on an as-needed basis during the competition, in the event of unforeseen delays, severe weather conditions, or in the event of interference from a bird of prey.  In cases of kits being flown back to back- each kit, subsequent to the first, may be released at any time at the discretion of the flier as the kits fly their time, land, and trap in, whenever the judge and scribe have announced that they are ready for the next kit. Kits that fail to land within the suggested limit may result in the release of a second kit, at the discretion of the flier, which could result in the two kits joining together at some point. The second kit released will be scored only until such time as the judge determines that any of the birds from the two kits have become intermingled to the point of causing the 2nd kit to be not judgable. At that time, the judge will announce the cessation of scoring of the second kit, and the second kit’s score will be tabulated and recorded for the time flying up to that point.

001.05 Ties in NBRC Competition 

1. In the event that the same flier wins more than one qualifying spot in the finals, the flier is entitled to fly both kits in the finals if he so desires. In the alternative, he may choose to defer one of his qualifying spots in the finals to the flier with the next highest score.

2. In the event of a tied score in any NBRC NCF competition, both kits shall be declared winners and shall receive the same ranking and Master Flier points. If the tie occurs in the qualifying slot in any NBRC NCF regional competition, both kits shall be entitled to be flown in the NCF finals round and to receive the same regional ranking and Master Flier points.

3. In the event of a tied score for the first-place position in the NCF finals, any financial incentive that is usually awarded to a single winner will be awarded to both winners.

4. In order to qualify for the finals or to earn any Master Flier points, a flier (kit) must score at least one break in the 20 Birds Fly and/or 1 point in the 11 Birds Fly. Fliers (kits) with a score of zero, DQ, or DNF are ineligible for Master Flier points or for participation in the Finals of the NBRC National Championship competition.

5. The National Fly Director shall, on behalf of the NBRC and within ninety (90) days of the completion of the competition, award a suitable plaque or trophy to the following:

a) The National Championship Fly winners in each of the 20-bird kit and  11-bird kit competitions.

b) The Regional Qualifier(s) in each of the  20-bird kit and 11-bird kit competitions.

c) The National Championship Fly Finals Judge.

d) Various and sundry achievements by flyers that are deserving of a special recognition award, as determined by the National Fly Director  and approved by the NBRC President.

001.06 Each flyer shall receive one fly pin for every kit entered. Revised on 02-27-27 to “Each flyer shall receive one fly pin for participation in the National Championship Fly.”

 001.07 Competing in Neighboring Regions

A. In the regional phase of the  National NBRC  Championship Fly competition, Regional Directors shall include any and all NBRC members residing in their region who:                                                                                                                                                                  (a) advise the regional director of their intention to compete and                                                                                                                  (b) timely pay the required entry fees. Regional Directors may impose a reasonable mileage surcharge to cover the cost of transporting the judge to remote locations.

B. If any particular region lacks sufficient qualifying participants in either the 20-bird or the 11-bird venues, then members of that region may petition to participate in an adjacent regional competition in that particular venue.                                                                                        C. Members may petition to participate in either the 20-bird or the 11-bird regional competitions of an adjacent region, as provided in paragraph :                                                                                                                                                                                          the petition shall be delivered in writing or by email at least 14 days prior to the home region’s regional competition and the adjacent region’s regional competition, whichever first occurs. The petition shall be submitted to the National Fly Director and the Regional Directors of both affected regions (the home region and the adjacent region in which the member seeks to compete). After consulting with the Regional Directors of both affected regions, the National Fly Director shall approve or deny the member’s petition in writing or by email delivered to the petitioning member and the Regional Directors of both affected regions, within 7 days after receipt of the member’s petition.

                                     Section C has been removed on 2023-007.                                                                                                        D. Members may petition to participate in either the 20-bird or the 11-bird regional competitions of an adjacent region, as provided in paragraph

 E. The member shall be authorized to compete in the adjacent region’s 11-bird or 20-bird competition for that year’s competition only and must re-apply through the same process set out in paragraph E for permission to compete in adjacent regions in future competitions to be held. No region shall be compelled to accept additional fliers from adjacent regions.

001.08 Flying Competition Kits in Remote Locations

The National Championship Fly (“NCF”) is a competition among roller fliers. Accordingly, each kit shall be entered in the name of the Club member who routinely trains and flies the kit, irrespective of who may have bred the pigeons in the kit. NBRC awards and Master Flier points shall be awarded to the kit’s flier/trainer, even where the pigeons in the kit may be owned or may have been bred by others.

Any NBRC member entering the NCF may fly his own kit(s) from his home or from a “remote location” such as a place of business, home of a friend or relative, or elsewhere within the boundaries of the member’s NBRC region, but not from a remote location outside the region where the Club member resides. Where the kit entered is housed and maintained at a remote location on premises owned by another pigeon fancier, the owner/flier may fly the kit as his own only where he represents that he has personally been training and caring for the pigeons in the kit, and only when:

001.09 The NBRC President and the NBRC National Fly Director will each contact the winners of the NBRC National Championship Fly Finals, in both the 11-bird kit and the 20-bird kit competitions, by telephone in order to notify and congratulate them within 48 hours of the completion.

001.10 The Finals Judge for the  National NBRC Championship shall compose a written fly report of the Finals Competitions, to be submitted to the National Fly Director within 30 days of the close of the competitions, for publication in the NBRC Bulletin and Websites.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   001.11 The National Fly Director, within 30 days of the end of the competition, will conduct an interview of the winners of each of the 11-bird kit and 20-bird kit competitions to be submitted to the NBRC Publishing Editor and the NBRC Webmaster for publication in the NBRC Bulletin and posted on the NBRC website. It is suggested that the interview should provide such information as the number of years of experience of the flyer, the family of birds flown, the sex and age of the birds that comprise the winning kits, feeding regimens, etc. as the winners are willing and able to provide.

001.12 The NBRC shall, through its National Fly Director, invite the Finals Judge to the next NBRC Convention for the purpose of acknowledging his or her accomplishment in the presence of their colleagues in the sport.  If this invitation is accepted, the NBRC will pay the expenses incurred for transportation to and from the Convention site and lodging at the designated hotel. These expenses are limited to, (3) nights at the Convention-specific hotel and Airfare to and from the Convention and the nearest regional airport servicing their residence. If the recipient chooses not to attend the convention, the housing and travel expenses will not be paid to the recipient.  If the recipient chooses to attend the convention, but travel or utilize housing of his/her own choosing, the NBRC will provide financial payment equivalent to the proposed airfare and or housing to the recipient. The NBRC shall not be responsible for any other cost associated with this invitation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      001.13 The Regional Director is responsible for reporting the scores for the regional competitions to the National Fly Director within one week of the close of the competition. The report should include the following:                                                                                                     a) The judge’s name                                                                                                                                                                               b) The name of the fliers                                                                                                                                                                         c) The total score, depth, and quality multipliers                                                                                                                                       d) The name of the qualifier(s)                                                                                                                                                             The judge is responsible for notifying each Regional Director of the scores for the Regional competitions within 72 hours of the completion.       The Finals judge should report scores directly to the National Fly Director on a daily basis and provide a final report at the end of the         competition. The National Fly Director is responsible for submitting all reports to the NBRC webmaster, the NBRC Publishing Editor, and to the   person responsible for recording Master flyer points within 48 hours after completion of the competition.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      001.14 The Regional Director is primarily responsible for the proper conduct and compliance of any NCF fly competition held in his region until “time-in” is called, at which point the judge assumes primary responsibility while each kit is being judged. During the judging period, the Regional Director (if present) and scribe are expected to assist the judge in his duties, as the judge may request. The RD and scribe are also expected to notify the judge, immediately, of out birds, down birds, or other events affecting the judging if it appears that any such event may have escaped the judge’s notice. No judge shall judge his own kit in any  National NBRC  Championship Fly competition. In the event that a judge is judging his own region, he may enter a kit in the specific 20-bird or 11-bird competition format(s) he is judging. However, rather than judging his own kit, the judge’s kit will be awarded a DNF; meaning ‘Did Not Fly’. Alternately, a panel of two or more judges may be appointed by the Regional Director, solely to judge the kit of the appointed judge, or a panel of three or more judges may be appointed by the Regional Director to judge a region, with each of the panel judges excusing himself from judging his own kit.

001.15 Regional Structure

A – The basis of the NBRC regional structure for the NBRC National Championship Fly will be defined by the US states and/or counties and their permanent boundaries.  Existing regions that do not comprise an entire state must redefine their boundaries based on counties and their permanent boundary lines, and maybe re-structured (merged or split) in the best interest of the  National NBRC Championship Fly, based on a majority vote of the NBRC Executive Committee.

B – States or counties with low flier populations may be merged together into groupings of states and counties to form a larger region in order to facilitate conducting the competition in that region or to accommodate NBRC members who wish to compete. This requires a 2/3 majority of the voting members of the NBRC Executive Committee in order to become effective.

C – States or counties may wish to merge with other states or counties, as a region, and may do so in order to comply with NBRC regulations; or when they lack sufficient numbers of competitors to earn a qualifier on their own; or to facilitate conducting their regional competition. This must be approved by a majority vote of the NBRC Executive Committee; a majority vote of the fliers in the region; or a signed petition by a majority of the fliers in the region. Specific zones or groups of fliers from the state may not be merged with another region if it leaves other NBRC members in the state or region stranded with insufficient numbers of fliers to earn a qualifier in the original state or region. Individual counties or groups of counties in an adjacent state that lie in close proximity to another adjacent state may, thus, be merged with the state upon the approval of both Regional Directors and the NBRC Executive Committee.

D – In general, regions may be considered for splitting into smaller regions by a majority vote of the NBRC Executive Committee only when:                                                                                                                                                                                                                1) their flier numbers have reached the point where the region generates 4 qualifiers in NBRC competitions for two years in a row;

2) it does not leave other NBRC members in the state or region stranded with insufficient numbers of fliers to earn a qualifier in the original state or region;                                                                                                                                                                                      3) the new regions have been clearly defined by the specific counties or state lines to be included in each region;

4) an individual has volunteered for the position of Regional Director of each region, and

5) a majority of the voting members of the region has approved the split through a formal vote conducted by the NBRC National Fly Director. Any region that secedes or splits off from an existing region, but is subsequently unable to earn a qualifier for two years in a row, will be merged back into the former region or some other region at the discretion of, and upon a majority vote of, the NBRC Executive Committee.

E – Entire states may secede from merged regions and become independent regions at any time when they, as a state, are able to demonstrate that they have sufficient fliers to earn at least one qualifier as provided in the NBRC Fly Policy, and only if it does not leave other NBRC members in the state or region stranded with insufficient numbers of fliers to earn a qualifier in the original state or region. Any state that secedes or splits off from an existing region, but is subsequently unable to earn a qualifier for two years in a row, will be merged back into the former region or some other region at the discretion of, and upon a majority vote of, the NBRC Executive Committee.





1) Kit Size. The kit size shall be 11 birds.

2) Time-in. The flyer shall have up to five minutes from release of the first bird to declare “time-in”, after which scoring shall commence. Prior to time-in, the flyer can make whatever adjustments to the kit he deems necessary. At time-in there must be at least 11 birds in the air or the kit will be disqualified.  At time-in, all birds in the air, which were released by the flyer, shall be considered part of the kit.

3) Fly time. The kit is “in judgment” for 20 minutes after time-in or until the second bird is down and out, whichever occurs first.  If any bird lands or crashes, for any reason, it shall be given up to 10 seconds to resume flight, or else it shall be considered down and out of the competition.  The kit shall be disqualified if more than one bird fails to fly for at least 15 minutes after time-in unless driven down by a bird of prey or extreme weather. 

4) Time-Out. Upon the flyer’s request, the judge may call a single discretionary “time-out” for up to 5 minutes in case of an attack by a bird of prey, blow-away, or other whim of nature. The judge shall resume judging when the flyer requests or when the 5 minutes has expired, whichever occurs first. The duration of the time-out extends the 20-minute judgment time but has no effect on the 15-minute minimum qualification time.

5) Out-Birds. Scoring shall be suspended but timing shall continue if 2 or more birds are out. Although it cannot score while apart from the kit, a pigeon shall not be considered out if it is returning directly from a roll, has been separated by extreme weather, or has been chased off by a bird of prey, even if the pigeon lands or is captured. “(Clarification: where pigeons are chased off by a BOP with no time-out, scoring continues, judging only the largest kit remaining.)”

6) Extra Birds. If additional rollers join the kit and are indistinguishable a penalty of 10% per bird will be deducted from points scored while the extra birds are in the kit.  If the roller can be distinguished by the judge or is determined not to be a roller by the judge, then no penalty will be deducted from the scored points.  If more than 11 birds are released by the flyer and are in the air at the start of time-in, a penalty of 20% per bird over 11 will be deducted from the final score.  If a bird is substituted for and becomes airborne after time-in it will be considered an extra bird and a penalty of 10% per bird will be assessed to the points scored while in the kit.

7) Judging Standards.                                                                                                                                                                                     1.The bird must fall vertically with the appearance of a straight line from start to finish.                                                                                 2.The bird should finish cleanly and not tail ride or plate roll at the end.                                                                                                       3.Loose, slow, sloppy, and/or plate rollers should not be scored.                                                                                                                   4.Birds that roll less than 10 ft. should not be scored.                                                                                                                                 5.The bird must roll from the kit and must return to the kit before it can be scored again. If the bird rolls prior to rejoining the                            kit it does not score and is considered an out bird until it rejoins the kit                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              8) Scoring. It is preferable for the region to furnish a timekeeper/scribe for the judge. If only the flyer and judge are present, the judge should keep score.  Birds can score individually or collectively. Simultaneous performance is not a requirement. The judge shall estimate and record the number of birds rolling adequately according to the rules for this contest. Each category should be recorded separately to show the profile of the kit. The raw score shall be added first then combined with the bonus score for the total score. The judge shall announce the final score before leaving. Points should be awarded as follows:                                                                                                                        10 to 19 ft. = 1 point                                                                                                                                                                             20 to 29 ft. = 2 points                                                                                                                                                                          30 ft. plus = 3 point                                                                                                                                                                         Bonus Points: Exceptional speed = 1 point                                                                                                                                                 Bonus Points: Exceptional depth (45 ft. plus) = 1 point                                                                                                                               An exceptionally fast and deep pigeon could receive a maximum of five points. The bird must turn over backward, spinning quickly like a ball.

9) Interference. Any interference with the kit after “time-in” may lead to disqualification. Attempts to ward off birds of prey are allowed, but any directly related kit activity shall not be scored. 

10) Integrity. The judge shall NOT score anything that does not meet his standard for adequate quality and depth or duration of the performance. This competition is for ROLLERS and not tumblers! Roller flying is a subjective sport and the judge may have to make allowances for extraordinary circumstances. In any case, the judge’s decision is final and anyone verbally or physically attacking the judge will be disqualified from the fly and may be banned from future NBRC events.



1) Kit size. The kit size may range from 15 to 20 birds. 

2) Time-in. The flyer shall have up to five minutes from release of the first bird to declare “time-in”, after which scoring shall commence. Prior to time-in, the flyer may delete from the kit, or release additional birds as substitutions for, any birds that land, crash, or are captured by predators. Upon declaring time-in, the flyer shall also announce the kit size. At time-in, all birds in the air, which were released by the flyer, shall be considered part of the kit. Any birds over 20 shall be considered “extra birds” and their number shall be discounted from all kit turns whether they are in or out of the kit during such turns. 

3) Fly time. The kit is “in judgment” for 20 minutes after time-in or until the second bird is down and out, whichever occurs first.  If any bird lands or crashes, for any reason, it shall be given up to 10 seconds to resume flight, or else it shall be considered down and out of the competition.  The kit shall be disqualified if more than one bird fails to fly for at least 15 minutes after time-in unless driven down by a bird of prey or extreme weather. 

4) Time-Out. Upon the flyer’s request, the judge may call a single discretionary “time-out” for up to 5 minutes in case of an attack by a bird of prey, blow-away, or other whim of nature. The judge shall resume judging when the flyer requests or when the 5 minutes has expired, whichever occurs first. The duration of the time-out extends the 20-minute judgment time but has no effect on the 15-minute minimum qualification time. 

5) Out-Birds. Except for a 15-bird kit, scoring shall continue if one bird leaves the kit (“out bird”). Scoring shall be suspended but timing shall continue if 2 or more birds are out. Although it cannot score while apart from the kit, a pigeon shall not be considered out if it is returning directly from a roll, has been separated by extreme weather, or has been chased off by a bird of prey, even if the pigeon lands or is captured. “(Clarification: where pigeons are chased off by a BOP with no time-out, scoring continues, judging only the largest kit remaining.)” 

6) Extra Birds.  If additional Rollers join the kit, a simple discount for the extra birds shall be made for each turn involved.  If the extra birds can be distinguished from the other birds in the turn, by the judge, then the discount should not be given.  For example, if 2 indistinguishable extra birds were in the kit and 7 roll together, the judge would score 5. 

7) Scoring. It is preferable for the region to furnish a timekeeper/scribe for the judge. If only the flyer and judge are present, the judge should keep score.  The judge shall estimate and record the number of birds rolling adequately in unison for each break involving 5 or more. No waterfall action should be scored. Afterward, the judge shall multiply those numbers by 1 for (5-9), 2 for (10-14), 3 for (15-19), and 5 for 20. Those results shall be added together to produce a raw score. Next, the raw score shall be multiplied by a quality factor of 1.0 for “adequate” to 2.0 for “truly phenomenal” based upon the judge’s overall impression of the average quality exhibited in all of the turns scored. Likewise, a depth or duration factor of 1.0 to 2.0 shall be multiplied to produce a final score. A group of 5 birds is the minimum number that can score if the remainder of the kit is returning directly from a roll, has been separated by extreme weather, or has been chased off by a bird of prey. The suggested minimum depth for scoring is 10 feet. The judge shall announce the final score before leaving. 

8) Interference.  Any interference with the kit after “time-in” may lead to disqualification. Attempts to ward off birds of prey are allowed, but any directly related kit activity shall not be scored.

9) Integrity. The judge shall NOT score anything that does not meet his standard for adequate quality and depth or duration of the performance. This competition is for ROLLERS and not tumblers! Roller flying is a subjective sport and the judge may have to make allowances for extraordinary circumstances. In any case, the judge’s decision is final and anyone verbally or physically attacking the judge will be disqualified from the fly and may be banned from future NBRC events.





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