The logo of The National Birmingham Roller Club

Those using a phone will need to log onto the site each time you go onto the site to place bids!

Revised 12/28/2024

Terms and Conditions

The auction site acts as a place for sellers to sell their roller pigeons or products and for bidders to bid on auction listings.

NBRC is not involved in the transaction between sellers and buyers.

NBRC website administrator will not be allowed to bid on birds.

Buyers have 5 days after winning an item to pay the seller unless the seller has granted additional days. All proceeds are to be paid to the NBRC, which upon receiving all proceeds for the auction will send an itemized statement to the person responsible for obtaining the items for the auction.

NBRC has no control over the accuracy, quality, or truth of any of the listings.

NBRC cannot control whether or not buyers or sellers complete the sale of the items listed. Those having trouble should contact those donating items and the person holding the auction.

NBRC shall not be responsible for any listings sold in the auction whatsoever and assumes no liability for the contents of the listings. The NBRC copies and pastes what the donator sends to be donated.

NBRC will not issue refunds for paid items. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to obtain the item purchased.

No sniping is allowed. Auction sniping is the practice, in a timed online auction, of placing a bid likely to exceed the current highest bid (which may be hidden) as late as possible—usually seconds before the end of the auction—giving other bidders no time to outbid the sniper.

Bidding in the last 15 minutes of the auction will extend the auction by 1 hour each time a bid is placed. If you are bidding in a proxy auction, you can place a maximum bid and the system will bid on your behalf based on our bidding increments below at the lowest competitive price. Pricing increases (up to – but not beyond – your maximum bid) as other users bid on the work. Please note that maximum bid amounts are only executed if there is a competing bidder up to that amount.


1.Preference to have an auction will be awarded in the following order:
NBRC Regions
NBRC Affiliated Clubs
NBRC Approved Benefit Auctions
World Cup Regions
NBRC Members

2. For every $150 earned in the auction a one month time period must pass before you will be allowed to hold your next auction. Example: $1800 earned, you may schedule your next auction immediately upon learning that you earned $1800 for 1 year from the date of that auction. $5000 earned then you must wait 33 months before holding the next auction. Whatever amount you earn is divided by 150 to determine the months before the next auction can be held. They can schedule the next auction upon learning the amount that was earned.

3.Sellers must be NBRC paid members in good standing to be able to have items posted within the auction. Clubs and members holding auctions must be in good standing with the NBRC.
4. Clubs holding auctions may be asked to provide club members’ names to prove they are a legitimate club.
5. Auctions for benefits can be held upon approval by the NBRC President, NBRC Vice President and NBRC Secretary. All benefit auctions payouts will be sent directly to the beneficiary for which the auction is being held.
6. After the purchaser pays for their items as time allows, the NBRC will send an email with the purchaser and donator’s contact information. Once they receive this email the purchaser shall contact the donator to arrange and pay for mailing the items to him. Those donating are to not mail the items until the NBRC emails them that the items have been paid in full.
7. Those receiving auction proceeds are responsible for all taxes due from the proceeds.


The auction will last for 2 weeks unless arranged before the start of the auction.

The seller will provide pictures and appropriately worded text for each listing.

The seller is responsible for promoting the auction.

Buyers need not be paid NBRC members.

All bidders must be logged onto the site, NBRC.US to place a bid.

Purchasers are responsible for shipping arrangements and payment of shipping to the seller. Purchases may be picked up in person after making arrangements with the seller. Those not picking birds up in person must buy and furnish a new shipping box to the seller. These shipping boxes should be purchased at the NBRC online store at NBRC.US.

If a buyer backs out after the auction closes, the item will be offered to the next lowest bidder.

Buyers have 5 days to pay the seller.

Buyers not paying within 5 days will have their items offered to the next highest bidder.

The NBRC reserves the option to block any buyer who does not pay for purchase.

Sellers may request having the items listed individually and or in a group.

Each individual listing posted will be charged $5 for the set-up fee plus 10% of the final sale. The set-up fee is charged whether the item sells or not.
A $5 additional charge for each time the listing item is changed after having it posted onto the site. The NBRC copies and pastes what the donator sends to be donated. If they request a change to the item that is not the NBRC mistake then the $5 additional charge will apply each time it is changed.

The NBRC reserves the right to refuse to post an item in any of the auctions.

To avoid snipping, the auction times will be extended each time two bidders are bidding at the end of the item’s auction time. Auction sniping is the practice, in a timed online auction, of placing a bid likely to exceed the current highest bid (which may be hidden) as late as possible—usually seconds before the end of the auction—giving other bidders no time to outbid the sniper.

Unless they are picking the birds up themselves, they must purchase a new shipping box from the NBRC online store. The box measures 18″x 12″ x 8″ which is one of the smaller boxes available. These boxes remain just under the USPS requirement before increasing dramatically in price. It is cheaper to mail two of these sizes boxes then to use the next size box when mailing them. The boxes will be mailed to the donated birds location unless asked to mail to another location.
Payment to Seller

History has shown that most buyers will pay NBRC via PayPal or GoDaddy when the auction closes. NBRC will collect the funds, then all listing fees will be deducted before sending the bulk payment with itemization to the seller. Members that wish can mail a money order to Danny Sturgeon 14470 Monroe Rd 1059, Madison, Mo. 65263 made out to the NBRC.

When an auction ends and the highest bidder is declared the winner, the winner can proceed to checkout and make the payment for the auction product through the following options:
Click the “Pay Now” button in the winning email.
Click the “Pay Now” button on the product detail page on the “shop” link then click the auction link to find the item they won. Going directly to the auction will not show the items that have been closed. You must go through the store link to see expired items being auctioned.
Click the “Pay Now” button in the “Bids Won” tab under “My Account” which can be found by putting the mouse arrow on the “Shop NBRC Online Store” link .

Right To Suspend or Terminate

NBRC has the right to terminate any member that does not fulfill a sale or purchase on an item sold or won. Members not fulfilling their obligation will be banned and terminated from the NBRC auction site.


When an auction ends and the highest bidder is declared the winner, the winner can proceed to checkout and make the payment for the auction product through the following options:
Click the “Pay Now” button in the winning email.
Click the “Pay Now” button on the product detail page on the “shop” link then click the auction link to find the item they won. Going directly to the auction will not show the items that have been closed. You must go through the store link to see expired items being auctioned.
Click the “Pay Now” button in the “Bids Won” tab under “My Account” which can be found by putting the mouse arrow on the “Shop NBRC Online Store” link .

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