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Constitution of the World Cup Roller Fly

(adopted Fall 1995, revised Jan 1999,  Aug 2000, Nov 2006, Aug 2008, Jan 2009, Mar 2010, Feb 2014)



  1.   The Purpose of the World Cup Roller Fly is to promote the performing roller pigeon and camaraderie among its fanciers by means of an annual intercontinental kit competition that recognizes teamwork, quality and depth. This competition shall have preliminary regional contests open to all entrants followed by at least one fly-off among finalists to determine the eventual Winner.


  1. Organizational structure is based on participants electing Regional Directors (RDs) who in turn select Continental Coordinators (CCs), with one serving as the General Coordinator (GC). The RDs and CCs compose the World Cup Committee which is the highest governing body of the World Cup Roller Fly. The World Cup Treasurer is elected annually by the Committee. Specific Details are as follows.
  2.   Regional Directors (RDs) shall be elected annually at the conclusion of the World Cup fly-off by the popular vote of all paid entrants, that year, from the RD’s affiliated region. RD duties include notifying the CC of a centralized major airport through which too route the fly-off judge, setting entry fees, scheduling the regional preliminary fly, and selecting a judge. RDs also advertise the event in appropriate regional or national publications; collect entry fees from the entrants and forward the required portion to the CC prior to the deadline specified under Bylaw II; arrange for meals, lodging and transportation to and from the region and between local areas for the regional judge and possibly several traveling companions; immediately inform the CC of the results including the names, address and telephone numbers of all finalists, arrange for all regional awards, and submit the judges report to regional and national publications. RDs are further responsible for arranging transportation and accommodations for the fly-off judge around their regions from the designated major airport. RDs also select Local Area Directors (LADs), if any are needed, to help in any aspect of coordinating the regional fly. Finally, RDs elect their CC for the next year.
  3.   Continental Coordinators (CC) shall be elected annually at the conclusion of the World Cup finals by the majority vote of all RDs on the respective continent who served for the prior contest. CC duties are primarily secretarial and involve promoting the event in appropriate national and international publications, including advertising names, addresses and telephone numbers of the appropriate RDs. CCs also collect the entry fees for the fly-off from the RDs and provide transportation for the fly-off judge through each region or to the region’s designated major airport.
  4.   General Coordinator (GC) shall be elected every two years at the conclusion of the World Cup finals by the majority vote of all Regional Directors. The term of the position shall be two years. Candidates for the postition of General Coordinator may be nominated by any Regional Director from any country who participated in the most recent competition. It is recommended that nominees be contacted and have confirmed that they are willing to serve before their names are submitted. Nominations will be open for 30 days following the close of the competition, afterwhich elections will be held electronically via the World Cup Executive Committee List. The GC is responsible for conducting the business of the World Cup, submitting items of business to the EC for discussion, establishing the finals schedule and arranging all transportation for the finals judge, and providing for awards for the top ten finalists, expenses money (not less than $100 per week judging) and a recognition plaque for the finals judge. He also announces the official fly results and submits the finals judge’s report to the national and international publications.
  5.   Assistant General Coordinator (AGC) shall be elected annually at the conclusion of the World Cup fly-off by the majority vote of all RDs. AGC duties include working with and at the direction of the GC on all World Cup Fly business. In the event that the GC cannot complete his or her term of office, the AGC will assume the responsibilities of the GC, and through the World Cup Executive Committee elect or appoint a new AGC for the remainder of that term of office. The AGC will be on the Executive Committee, and shall have one vote that may be used only to break ties.
  6.   The Treasurer will be elected annually at the conclusion of the World Cup fly-off by the majority vote of the WC Committee. The Treasurer will work at the direction of the General Coordinator managing the WC funds and accounts. He will collect moneys from entry fees and sale of WC items. He will order score pads and hat pins for the fly upon approval of the GC and send them to the Regions for their regional flys after receiving their entries. He will furnish an annual report submitted to the GC and to all major publications.
  7.   The World Cup Committee shall be composed of all RD’s and CC’s that are currently serving that position, and the GC will serve as the head of the Committee. CC’s are primarily responsible for secretarial chores but each shall have one vote that may be used only to break ties. If necessary, the GC shall have one additional tie-breaking vote. All matters concerning policy, fly rules, fly-off judge selection shall be determined by the World Cup Committee. All matters must be submitted to the Committee for a vote via the GC. The Committee requires that the GC verify that all issues submitted for a vote are from legitimate sources being (1) a Committee Member (RD or CC) and 2 paid WC participants, or (2) a paid WC participant with the signatures of 4 other paid participants. In the event that a matter involves issues concerning more than one person, the GC will inquire to all parties involved, and report all facts that he has collected to the Committee along with the vote, as accurately as possible and without prejudice. RDs and CCs that step down or have been voted out will relinquish the voting rights as well to the new RD or CC.
  8.   Web Site Director (WSD) will be elected annually at the conclusion of the fly-off by the majority vote of the WC Committee. The WSD will work at the direction of the GC, and in conjunction with all other WC positions to keep the web site updated with current information and promotions.
  9.   Special Promotions Director (SPD) for each continent will be elected annually at the conclusion of the fly-off by the majority vote of the WC Committee members on that continent. The SPD’s will work with the SPC to coordinate all promotions and fund raisers on his/her continent, forwarding monies collected to the WC Treasurer. The SPD for the continent of which the GC is of will be the Special Promotions Coordinator (SPC), The SPC will work at the direction of the GC, and in conjunction with SPD’s and all other WC positions to create artwork for sale items, have them produced, promoted, sold, and shipped. WC Bird Auctions will be conducted annually for fund raising purposes by the SPD’s, soliciting donations and contributions from Top WC Flyers, and offering them at a major event or in a real time internet/phone in auction. The proceeds will go into the WC general fund.

III.   Expansion

  1.   A new region may be formed or an existing region may, for legitimate reasons agreeable to the majority of flyers in that region, be split by the World Cup Committee, if valid proof of votes taken and a petition is submitted with the necessary minimum number of participants specified under Bylaw I to the appropriate Continental Coordinator by the newly elected RD. Such an expansion or reorganization requires a 2/3 majority approval by the World Cup Committee.
  2.   An additional Continent may be considered for the contest if application is made by the duly elected CC to the World Cup Committee via the GC. Such inclusion is subject to reasonable scheduling for the fly-off judge and additional funding for intercontinental transportation. Such expansion requires 2/3rds majority approval by the World Cup Committee.
  3.   AWARDS
    Champion of Champions Award will be awarded to WC Flyers that excel in World Cup competitions and meet the following criteria: (1) Three First Place Champion Wins, or (2) acquire a minimum of 50 points using the following Top Ten Fly-off point system; 1st place-10points, 2nd place-9, 3rd place-8, 4th place-7, 5th place-6, 6th place-5, 7th place-4, 8th place-3, 9th place-2, 10th place-1.
  4.   Amendments to this Constitution requires a 2/3rds majority approval by the World Cup Committee. VI. Bylaws dealing with policy matters may be changed by a simple majority vote of the World Cup Committee. If such a majority is not obtained on the first attempt, a second ballot shall decide between the two choices receiving the largest number of votes.

By-Laws of the World Cup Roller Fly
(adopted Fall 1995, revised November 2006, October 2011 and Spring 2012)



  1. a)      A region must have a minimum of 7 Flyers to qualify as an independent entity and gain one qualifier.


  1. b)     So that we can promote participation, the only variance to the minimum of 7 Flyers shall be for new regions which cannot meet the required number of flyers for the first qualifier, with the approval of the GC these regions can have a minimum of 5 Flyers for a maximum of 2 years


  1. c)      Each flyer is allowed one Entry made up of two kits. These kits may be flown as two kits of separate rollers, or as the same kit of rollers flown twice as long as other flyers are not disadvantaged by the schedule. Flyers must nominate to fly a second time and be scheduled to do so before the Regional Fly starts. The higher of the two scores will be used in the Regional Fly Report to determine Qualifying positions. All Flyers must fly at least one kit.


  1. d)     One Flyer allowed per loft. The GC has the discretion to allow a second Flyer, from the same region, to enter from the same loft if the RD submits a request in writing. Each Flyer must be present to release their own kit


  1. e)      If a flyer is unable to fly, or release his own kit, due to circumstances beyond his control he must notify the GC, through the RD, as to the reason or his paid kit or kits may not be used for the number of kits for a Qualifier


  1. f)       Regional Qualifying Flys must be flown by current World Cup Fly-off rules


  1. g)      Regions are not permitted to pay for any ghost flyers. In order to maintain the integrity of the World Cup, Regions must turn in a full and detailed fly report, signed by the judge, to the GC prior to their finals.


  1. h)     Any region that does not submit entries for two consecutive World Cup Flys will be removed from the WCRF list of current regions and will have to reapply as a new region under section III. A. of the Constitution.


  1. i)        One fly-off representative is granted for every 7 entries at a minimum cost of $300. All entries after 7 will be at a cost of $30 each.


  1. j)        Regional Directors get one World Cup Committee vote for each Qualifier, up to a maximum of 5 votes per region. The number of votes an RD is entitled to is determined from the entries received at the most recent 1st April and when entry money has been received for that year. The RD may distribute the votes as he wishes. A region that splits will divide its existing votes in proportion to the number of previous years participants in each new region. 




  1. a)      Funding for the Finals fly-off is provided by sponsors, individual contributions, promotional sales, and an entry fees in U.S. dollars as set by the WCRF Committee.


  1. b)     Payment of additional bank transfer fees and currency conversation fees are the responsibility of the particular regions.


  1. c)      Regional Directors must forward fees to the WC Treasurer by April 1st . Also a list of participants names and addresses must be forwarded to the WC GC by April 1st. Late entries are allowed only for new participants who have never entered the World Cup Roller Fly previously.


  1. d)     All fees and flyers names and addresses must be received before the regional fly begins.


  1. e)     All regions must pay the correct amount of entry fees to the WC Treasurer and submit entrants names and addresses to the GC before the entry deadline in order to be granted representatives in the fly-off. 


III.   The fly-off judge shall be the winner of the previous World Cup Fly unless that individual declines by November 1. In that case, the judge and an alternate shall be elected by a majority vote of the World Cup Committee from a list of qualified and, willing nominees. Past World Cup winners who have not previously judged the fly-off may nominate themselves, but all other candidates must be nominated by members of the World Cup Committee. All nominations are due by November 1, and at least the alternate must be elected. If majority consensus is not reached on the first attempt, a second ballot between the top two choices shall determine the judge with the runner-up serving as alternate. The deadline for final determination is December 1. In case of an emergency where neither the judge nor the alternate can complete the duties, the General Coordinator may appoint a qualified replacement. In the event a judge can not complete a fly-off schedule for any reason the General Coordinator will:
*   Secure transportation for the departing judge and his replacement if any.
*   Inform all finalists of the problem.
*   Secure a majority consensus by polling all finalists before continuing the fly-off with a replacement judge. If the majority is in favor of continuing the fly-off, those in the negative will be eliminated as finalists-and be automatically qualified with entry fee waived for the next World Cup.
*   If the vote does not support finishing the judging with a replacement judge the Executive Committee will make the final determination on the course of action to be taken.

*   If majority consensus is not reached on the first attempt, a second ballot between the top two choices shall determine the judge with the runner-up serving as alternate. The finals Judge must provide the GC a Medical Certificate stating he is in good health and is fit to travel around the world on a demanding schedule. He also must provide an Optometrist Certificate stating his distance vision is 20/20 or better

  1.   The fly-off Schedule is determined by the GC and usually runs for a period from May through July. Each Regional Director must report preliminary results to their Continental Coordinator at least two weeks prior to the regions scheduled fly-off so that the Continental Coordinator can arrange cost-effective transportation for the judge.
  2.   Fly-off rules. All regions must have a regional fly by World Cup Fly-off rules to select the regional fly-off representative(s) for the region.

   1)   Kit size. The kit size may range from 15 to 20 birds, but at least 5 must ROLL together in order to score.
   2)   Time-in. The flyer shall announce to the judge the number of birds that are being flown prior to release of the birds. No additions or subtractions are allowed after release, but the flyer is allowed to chase up any birds that land or hit before time is called in. If the number of birds released is different from the number of birds declared to the judge the kit shall be disqualified. The flyer has up to 5 minutes after release in which to declare time-in. If the flyer does not call start or time-in earlier, scoring begins automatically five minutes after release. Any interference with the kit after time-in may lead to disqualification. Attempts to ward off birds of prey are allowed, but any directly related kit activity shall not be scored.
   3)    Fly time. The kit is in judgement for 20 minutes after time-in or until the second bird lands, whichever occurs first. However, the kit shall be disqualified if more than one bird fails to fly for at least 15 minutes after time-in unless driven down by a bird of prey or extreme weather. A kit that is forced down by a bird of prey before the 15 minute mark will not be disqualified and its score will stand. A bird down that spontaneously crashes (after one bird has landed) shall be given up to 10 seconds to resurrect and resume flight or else it shall be considered the second bird down.
   4)   Time-out. The judge may call a single discretionary time-out for up to 5 minutes in case of an attack by a bird of prey , blow-away, or other whim of nature or act of God, the flyer must ask for the “time-out” and ask the judge to put them back on the clock if he deems necessary before the 5 minute deadline. Although the 20-minute time for judgment shall be extended by such a time-out, the 15 minute minimum qualification time is not affected.
   5)   Bird-out. Except for a 15 bird kit, scoring shall continue if one bird leaves the kit. Scoring is suspended but timing continues if 2 or more birds are out. A bird is not considered out if it is returning directly from a roll or it has been separated by extreme weather or chased off by a bird of prey – even if the pigeon lands or is captured.
   6)   Extra birds. If additional Rollers join the kit, a simple discount for the extra birds shall be made for each turn involved. For example, if 2 extra indistinguishable birds are in the kit and 7 roll together, the judge would record 5.
   7)   Scoring. It is mandatory for the region to furnish a timekeeper/scribe for the fly-off judge for each finalist. The judge shall simply estimate and record the number of birds rolling adequately in unison for each break involving 5 or more. The suggested minimum depth for scoring is 10 feet. Afterwards, the judge shall multiply those numbers by 1 for 5-9, 2 for 10-14, 3 for 15-19 and 5 for 20. Those results shall be added together to produce a raw score. Next the raw score shall be multiplied by a quality factor of 1.0 for “adequate” to 2.0 for “truly phenomenal” based upon the judges overall impression of the average quality exhibited in all the turns scored. Likewise, a depth or duration factor of 1.0 to 2.0 shall be multiplied to produce a final score. The judge shall announce the final score before leaving.
   8)   Integrity. The judge shall NOT score anything that does not meet his standard for adequate quality and depth or duration of performance. This competition is for ROLLERS and not tumblers! Roller flying is a subjective sport and the judge may have to make allowances for extraordinary circumstances. In any case, the judge’s decision is final and anyone verbally or physically attacking the judge will be disqualified from the fly and may be banned from future WC events by the WC committee.

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