The logo of The National Birmingham Roller Club



Entries will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. You need not be a NBRC member to enter but prizes will be reduced for those that are not members at the time the birds are started to be judged. Birds will be accepted May 1st – June 25th. The 2022-2023 classic will start in July 2022. All birds should arrive by the end of June, with the final fly in June 2023 with the auction to follow at NBRC.US.


The entry fee is $25

The perch fee is $25

The total cost for one bird is the entry fee plus the perch fee: $50

Entries and perch fees for a total of $50 should be sent to:

Danny Sturgeon or PayPal account: [email protected]

14470 Monroe Rd 1059

Madison, Mo. 65263


The perch fee is required to reserve a spot in the futurity.

The TOTAL COST is required before the birds are shipped.


The NBRC is pleased to announce that they will be sponsoring a futurity fly designed to select the best individual spinning roller. This event, NBRC Futurity, will be held at Danny Duren Sr at his home in Adin, California. Danny has for the past 6 years held the MODOC High Mountain Futurity.  Danny will be the Loft Manager and all birds must be shipped to his location (   PO Box 10  Adin, CA. 96006-0010) – ( 530)299-4253.



  1. Contestants do not have to be National Birmingham Roller Club members to enter this futurity through awards will be smaller for nonmembers.
  2. Each entry shall be for one bird. The bird(s) must be banded with a seamless band on a single leg. Birds must be unflown, hatch year young (6-8 weeks old). A maximum of 3 birds per breeder.
  3. Entries will be limited to 60 birds. Entries will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis after May 1, 2022. Contestants pay for the shipping of their birds.
  4. The entry fee is $25 per entry. A perch fee of $25 is required at the time of entry. The balance of the entry fee shall be due BEFORE birds are shipped. Contestants are responsible for getting birds to the loft manager at their expense.
  5. Bird entries will be received between May 1-June 25, 2022. Entries that die, become lost, injured, etc. may be replaced at the contestant’s expense until September 30, 2022. After that date, no entries can be replaced for any reason.
  6. The NBRC will be hosting a whole hog BQ at the loft manager’s residence at the conclusion of the last judged fly.
  7. All birds culled will be offered back to the breeder of the bird and the specific breeder will be responsible for all shipping costs to get the bird back. If the bird is culled and the breeder says he wants it back and it is not shipped back within 60 days of this notice the bird will be culled (killed) without notice.
  8. Birds that are found dead or rolled down and died will be documented and the band removed and saved for records of proof.
  9. In the event of a major overfly, or disaster beyond loft manager’s control, all entry funds less expenses, shall be divided equally and returned to entrants.
  10. Should the event be canceled for whatever reason the “Perch Fee” is non-refundable if your bird dies or vanishes and you choose not to replace the bird at your cost, you do not get a refund of entry nor perch fees.
  11.  Following the conclusion of the event, all of the entries will be auctioned on the auction site. All auction revenues will go to the NBRC treasury. All buyers will be responsible for pick up or shipping. Any birds not sold in the auction, or birds that are not paid for, become the property of the NBRC and may be disposed of at the discretion of the loft manager. Payouts for the auction shall be 50% to the breeder, 25% to loft manager, 25% to


  1. NBRC members’ birds will be eligible to be awarded the “Certified Spinner Award” based on

the Certified Spinner Rules with any of their entries. Nonmembers will not be eligible for this


  1. Any contestant removing their bird entry, for any reason, after being received by loft

manager shall forfeit entry fee and prize opportunity.




  1. Training will begin upon arrival of the birds, they will start out being flown in kits of 12 birds

or more so as to help make identification of the birds easier for the loft manager and or

judges. Birds will be flown daily, weather permitting and the availability of the Loft Manager.

  1. The birds will be scored for 20 minutes unless there is something that is hindering

this such as they skied out or the wind blew them out of sight. Under these circumstances,

we will wait until the birds return to the site to score them within a reasonable time frame (5

minutes) which is under the discretion of the judges.

  1. Birds must be kitting to be scored. Non-kitting birds shall not receive a score for any

.performance until returning to the kit

  1. The judge(s) will have no knowledge of where the birds came from (breeder) until after

the conclusion of the final judged fly. If possible please band with nonpersonalized bands

but it is not mandatory.

  1. The birds will be scored with a panel of judges whenever possible. The panel will consist of

the loft manager and commuting distance NBRC members. Any NBRC member may

participate as a  panel member, by arrangement through the loft manager. The panel will

not confer with each other while judging. All judging will be updated as it happens on, and on NBRC social media sites.  Birds will be judged 3 – 4 times.

  1. Judging will be based on quality spinning, depth, and frequency. The intent is to select the

most outstanding individual.

  1. The scoring will be as follows; 15 foot spin = 1 point, 20 foot spin = 2 point, 25 feet = 3

points, 30 feet = 4 points, 35 feet = 5 points, 40 feet = 10 points, 50 feet = 15 points and 60+

is 20 points PER ROLL. Depth range scored is the sole discretion of the judge in question

that is scoring the birds and their opinion is final. Should there be multiple judges then an

average will be given with birds that are scored. So should a judge not record a bird making a

roll but the other records it with several rolls the scores will be averaged between a 0 given by

one judge and whatever the other judge scored. A bonus multiplier can be awarded

(multiplier of 2 max.) to specific birds that display above-average quality, again left up to

the specific judge(s) opinion of this.

  1. Harassment of any of the judges will be an automatic disqualification!
  2. Any entry that dies, becomes lost, or is culled during the event will be announced ASAP and

not eligible for any awards or prizes.

  1. Any bird that is not available for the auction will not be eligible for prize money and its score

will be eliminated.

  1. Any bird not flying 15 minutes shall have its score deducted by 50% for that judgment day

with no bonus multiplier.



  1. Based on 60 entries, $1500 will be available for awards.
  2. The $1500 will be divided as follows for NBRC members.

First: $350

Second: $250

Third: $150

Fourth: $125

Fifth: $100

Sixth: $75

Seventh: $50

Eighth: $50



Eleventh: $50


Thirteenth: $50

Fourteenth: $50



Non-NBRC members shall receive the following payout.

First: $250

Second : $150

Third : $50


Fifth: $25

All other placements for non-members will not have a prize award.

  1. If the event does not fill up the money will be subtracted from the lowest paid places first.
  2. First, second and third place finishers will be awarded plaques for their finishing placements.





Be sure when shipping birds to put Danny Duren’s phone number on the shipping box (530-299-4253) and to ship them on a Monday. This allows more time for the birds to arrive at Danny’s home before the weekend as his post office is closed on the weekends.



CONTACT INFORMATION          Danny Duren Sr: Loft Manager

PO Box 10

Adin, Ca.96006-0010


[email protected]


Danny Sturgeon : NBRC Secretary/Treasurer

14470 Monroe Rd 1059

Madison, Mo. 65263

(660) 291-8261

[email protected]




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