The logo of The National Birmingham Roller Club

The Master Flyer program was instituted to recognize those individuals who are able to consistently fly quality Birmingham Rollers.     Below you will find the policy that outlines how the program works.

There are three web pages containing information on the Master Fly.

  1. A list ranking the participants
  2. The detailed data for all the flys and fliers
  3. An Excel spreadsheet that can be downloaded that contains both sets of data.


Master Flier Award Program Official Policy

Policy Title: Master Flier Award Program
Policy Number: NBRC 003
Effective Date: February 21, 2009
Last Revision Date: February 21, 2009


One of the NBRC’s objectives is to continually seek ways to encourage competition while promoting the Birmingham Roller as a performing bird. The Master Flier Award Program was established as a means of recognizing those skilled fliers of Birmingham Rollers, who consistently have their kits performing on a higher level than most, and is based on a points system that gives competitors a means of distinguishing themselves from the roller community in general. To accumulate points towards recognition as a Master Flier, one must compete in a regional, national, or international competition recognized by the NBRC.

003.01 A flier, regardless of membership, shall earn a cumulative total of 750 points in order to become certified as a Master Flier. NBRC members having reached the status of Master Flier will be presented a plaque in recognition of his or her achievement. Prior to 2002, points were awarded for placement on various levels of competition, but are now restricted to placement in NBRC Flys and World Cup competition; points accumulated shall be based on the points system in use at the time of such competition. Results of all NBRC Fly and World Cup competition events dating back to their inception are inclusive in the standings. Master Flier points previously recorded from state flies, local club contests, and special event competitions, earned prior to 2002 are inclusive in the standings, however no more shall be added.

003.02 Master Fliers may continue to accumulate points beyond the Master Flier requirement. NBRC members accumulating a total of 1500 points, with at least 750 of those points earned from NBRC events, shall receive a Master Flier Lifetime Achievement Award (MFLA). Recipients of the MFLA shall be presented a plaque in recognition of their accomplishment and shall be granted a lifetime membership to the NBRC.

003.03 Master Flier points shall be accumulated based upon the total number of kits flown in a respective competition. In the event a Finalist/Qualifier from a regional competition decides not to participate in the Finals and defers to the next lower placing competitor, both shall receive Master Flier points based upon their original regional finishing positions. The new Finalist/Qualifier may continue on to earn more points based on his/her placement in the Finals.

003.04 The NBRC Vice-President shall be responsible for supervising and conducting the Master Flier Program, but has the option to delegate the administration of updating and inputting the point system data to another individual.

003.05 A computer data base program shall be maintained for the purpose of updating, posting and preserving the data of the Master Flier Program. A backup copy of this program shall be kept by the NBRC Vice-President, the NBRC Secretary, and any individual delegated authority by the NBRC Vice-President to administrate the system. All password and log on information to this data program shall be shared with the NBRC Vice-President, NBRC Secretary, and any individual delegated authority by the NBRC Vice-President to administrate the points system. The data base program information shall be in a form that is accessible and can be managed by a person with basic computer skills using a common format, such as Excel or Microsoft Works. The Master Flier data shall be published at least once a year in the NBRC Bulletin and posted on the NBRC website for review. Once the transfer to a paperless system has occurred, no more research to recover undocumented points will be done.

003.06 The NBRC Regional Directors are responsible for reporting the scores of Regional competitions to the National Fly Director within one week of the close of the competition. The reports should include the following:

The NBRC National Fly Director shall report Finals scores and placement directly to the NBRC Vice-President or his/her delegated individual responsible for recording the scores. In the interest of keeping the Master Flier points up to date, the NBRC Vice-President or his/her delegated individual may record World Cup scores posted through the official World Cup website or other official Bulletin upon verification of their accuracy. Accuracy can be verified through direct contact with the World Cup General Coordinator or Assistant General Coordinator.

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