Metal Rolled laser engraved Bands 1212-2


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SKU: N/A Category:


The price of $62 is for 100 bands.     The color chart for anodized bands is at the bottom of this.

If you are ordering 8mm size bands you can use the 3 lines for lettering, 7.5 mm please only use 2 lines; and 7 mm please only use 1 line for the lettering. If you are wanting a logo added, please email me with the details at [email protected] bands are

These bands are some of the easiest to read as each band has a white coating with the band color being the lettering and numbers which help when reading these bands. The less the lettering and numbers though will help since they can be bigger print then a lot of each which reduces the size of the lettering.

Band will take 4-5 weeks to get.

Price includes mailing cost within the USA! Foreign order welcome for addtional mailing cost.




Yearly NBRC band color rotation:

2021      White
2022      Green
2023      Violet
2024      Orange
2025      Red
2026      Yellow
2027      Blue
2028      White

Additional information

Anodized Colors

blue, black, silver, red, pink, green, orange, purple, yellow

Band Size

7.5mm, 7mm, 8mm

Band Include Year

No, Yes


2024, 2025, 2026, 2027