Membership Only NBRC Anodized Bands (order on-line) 2025 GSF-ABR 1211S


official bands

Band color rotation!

2021      White
2022      Green
2023      Violet
2024      Orange
2025      Red
2026      Yellow
2027      Blue
2028      White
There is a restriction on this item. If you are on an Auction item, you must be registered and signed on to bid in the auction. However, if you see this message when attempting a purchase in the store, you must be a paid member of NBRC to purchase this product.   Please select the "Join" option on the menu to become a member of the National Birmingham Roller Club. If you are already a paid member, you must be logged into the paid member account.You must be logged in and have proper authority to view this content.
SKU: N/A Category:




There is a fixed shipping cost for each order, regardless of the number ordered.   The cost will be $9 domestic and $20 for foreign orders. Be sure to include the shipping cost when ordering. No free shipping.

We are using a different manufacture as the old manufacture retired.  These will be going online sometime in November.



Bands will start to be mailed the day after Christmas of each year!


NBRC yearly bands can be only purchased by current NBRC members.

These bands are sold in increments of 25 only. The band numbers are at the discretion of the band secretary. 


Bands for the new year will start being mailed the day after Christmas!

Yearly color rotation:

2021      White
2022      Green
2023      Violet
2024      Orange
2025      Red
2026      Yellow
2027      Blue
2028      White


  • Plastic coated; .45 cents each
  • Anodized Aluminum. $.65 each






Your online order is forwarded to the NBRC Band Secretary for processing.  His contact information is: Gene Giegoldt  11 Barlow Rd SW, Lakewood, WA 98499