The logo of The National Birmingham Roller Club

This program spot-lights those individual Rollers which are superior in quality. The official details follow.

The current NBRC Certified Spin Director is Jay Yandle

The form to be summitted may be found here: spinner form



Policy Title: Certified Spinner Program Policy Number: NBRC 005 Effective Date: September 21, 2017 Last Revision Date: September 21, 2017


The purpose of the NBRC Certified Spinner Program is recognition of superior Birmingham Roller performance. The goal is continued improvement of the Birmingham Roller as a performing breed. NBRC members who wish to certify a bird will do so by submitting an official NBRC Spinner Certification Application Form with all the required information. The form will be submitted to the NBRC Certified Spinner Director for examination and approval.

005.01 Certification of a bird will be authenticated by a minimum of three qualified judges (other than the owner of the bird) on at least two different occasions. At least two of the three certifying judges shall be present for each session to witness the performance. A qualified judge will be an NBRC member in good standing who has regularly flown in NBRC competitions for at least the past five (5) years and/or who has judged NBRC or World Cup events on more than one occasion. Authentication by the judges will be made by their signature on the certification form (judges should sign the form only after all other information has been entered).

005.02 A bird being certified will be at least one year old or banded with a seamless band from a year prior to the year of certification. The owner will be a current NBRC member in good standing. The judges will verify the band year on the bird in question.

005.03 The bird being certified must be designated before liberation and must be easily and clearly identifiable while in flight. Certification may be done in conjunction with a world, national, regional, or local kit competition. If there is a question in a judge’s mind as to the identification of the bird or it meeting the criteria for certification due to distance, weather, or any factor affecting the observation of the bird in judgment, the bird should not be certified.

005.04 The bird must perform with outstanding speed and style sufficient to blur out the wing tips and execute cleanly from start to finish. The bird must spin a minimum depth of thirty (30) feet or a duration of three (3) seconds and should have enough frequency to spin once a minute. The bird must demonstrate a strong desire to kit and return quickly after a spin, it should never turn away from the kit or be an out bird during judgement. The bird will be judged for a minimum of fifteen (15) minutes and must not land without the kit or until twenty (20) minutes have passed since liberation (whichever comes first).

005.05 Should the judges find the bird worthy of certification the owner of such bird will complete a NBRC Certified Spinner Certification Application Form. The form shall contain the printed name of the owner and signature, the printed name and signature of each judge certifying the bird, a current contact number for each judge, and any comments the judges wish to add (list competition being judged), date/time of certification, location of certification (loft name, city, state), and names of any other witness present during the certification (other than the owner). In addition, the form shall include relevant information on the bird to include the band number (with year), color and markings, sex, age, and name (if any) that might have been given to the bird in question by the owner,

005.06 Forms should be legible and completed in permanent blue or black ink with no “mark-throughs” or corrections. Completed forms should be mailed to the current NBRC Certified Spinner Director for inspection. Once certification is authenticated the bird will be recorded in the Certified Spinner Register, the bird is not deemed certified until it is registered. A maximum of three (3) birds may be certified per year per owner.

005.07 Any attempts by a member with the intent to falsify, forge, or counterfeit a document or form either in whole or part shall result in disciplinary action. The disciplinary action should be consistent with the violation committed up to and including a lifetime ban from the NBRC. Minimum disciplinary action will include forfeiture and removal of any previous Certified Spinners from the Certified Spinner Registry.

Footnote: A judge who certifies a spinner by his signature on the form has found the candidate bird to be a meritorious and praiseworthy example of what we all hope to achieve in the air.

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