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The Performing Birmingham Roller: A Color Balance Analysis

By Richard Jaconette 1980

Of the Many visitors who come to see this writer birds in the air, several fanciers have remarked, “I notice you have birds of all coloration’s rolling. How do you breed for a performing Birmingham Roller like Black Rain?

First, I must say that acquiring the proper bloodlines is paramount toward producing a kit of outstanding Birmingham Rollers in the air. Once the proper flying stock is acquired, then do not to hesitate to avail yourself to the breeder’s knowledge. This is especially important for future matings. The proper bloodlines, as I see it, is not offspring of a famous bird many years removed, or is it the accumulation of pedigree papers. Rather, it is the progeny from a strong stock loft, who themselves, for the most part, are fine spinners and were picked for stock by type, and that alone.

Second, let me say, I do not breed spin to spin. For if this was all there was to breeding good spinners, then everyone should have a loft of fine performers. Such is not the case. It is my personal judgment that the breeder who knows how to spot the correct type in these birds and breeds for same, will have more than his share of exceptional performers! Consequently, one’s cull to good bird ratio will be reduced.

Having digressed for a moment in the preceding two paragraphs, let me now focus on the subject of this article; that being importance of color breeding in a Birmingham Roller. If one is to have a measure of success in this hobby, the bird’s pigmentation then must be given careful consideration.  A prominent fancier in the hobby visited me and this writer remarked to him, “I would rather have a red or blue check, bar or self, in my kit, whose parents were not both checks, bars or self, than have a red or blue check or self whose parents were the same color.”

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