The logo of The National Birmingham Roller Club
  • Name

  • staros66
  • Roosevelt
  • Stafford
  • Butch
  • Membership Information

  • 9- C
  • June 22, 2024 9:12 pm
  • Contact Info

  • 707-399-7282
  • 510-375-5430
  • About Yourself

  • I've Been raising pigeons off and on for 50+ years. Got back into them in 2008 strictly Birmingham Rollers. I purchased my first Squeakers from Tony Chavarria at Roller Pigeon aka Ruby Rollers and RK Roller Ranch in 2008. I attended the NBRC Convention in Sac 2009 where I met many great roller men. I befriended many members of the AARC 9C region and joined the club in 2010 and am still a devoted member under the leadership of our President Ronald Ross. My first year in the club I would a plate on their Billy Allen Plaque for winning the annual club fly which consist of 6 club flies a year during the annual fly seasons. I again won in 2012. I've flown in the World Cup a few times as well as the NBRC Fall flies. My family of birds are of the birds I first started with and received from Tony Chavarria and RK Roller loft. I crossed a few pairs of those strains added a Hilton Cock bred by Gene Varoa and started line breeding. I mainly breed cousins, Uncles on nieces, Aunts on nephews, 1/2 brothers and sisters and sometimes Grandparents on grand children. I do not breed mothers on son, Fathers on daughters nor full brothers and sister. 5 years ago I was gifted a few birds from Sal Estrada stock from one of my club members. Since then I have been adding more of that into my family being that Tony Chavarria started his Ruby Strain of birds from a cock he received from Sal Estrada and used as his foundation cock. three years I was also gifted a Eddie Verdugo cock from Ronnie Ross which I crossed in being that Sal and Eddie bred birds together and I was told that Sal and Eddie both got many of their birds from the late great Homer Corderre. So I've been cultivating my family for 14 years selecting what I like most in my birds, Kitting, Quality spin, depth 20 to 40 ft kit sensitivity. I just started back this year 2023 competing in our AARC club flies and plan on flying the 11 bird fly and the NBRC 2023 Fall fly after a 4 year hiatis focusing more on flying my birds for myself so I could focus on my selecting and pay much more attention to what I was doing in the breeder loft and why. I think I have gotten my family to a point where as I can be competitive to the point that my birds could be admired for what they are capable of. I'm not concerned about the winning aspect more than I am the process of breeding and developing decent teams of birds that could be admired by my peers. I will end saying that I love what these birds are teaching me and their athletic abilities note that after 4 years in the hobby I was doing well enough for the founder of the AARC Mack Williams to write an article on me posted in the NBRC Bulletin September-October page 83 alone side of Master flyer Mike Wolden who was also an AARC member for many years. I hope to do well this season and would be overjoyed to qualify for the NBRC fall fly finals for our region 9C. That's my goal for this year

    Roosevelt Stafford

  • Shipping Address

  • Billing Address

  • 3304 Peppertree Dr
  • Fairfield California
  • 94533
  • United States (US)
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